Archive for January, 2011

Welcome to Our New Site!

Posted by / January 26, 2011 / Categories: Create Peace / 1 Comment
We are thrilled to have you here!  We are in full production of our plans for taking the Peace Exchange to India.  We are super thrilled to have included more than 8,000 students across the US in this years project. Here is a bit more about our plans: Currently 40 schools from 14 states, including more than 8,000 students, across the U.S. are involved in the 2010/2011 Peace Exchange. Between February and May, a Create Peace Project team will be hand delivering these 8,000 U.S. peace cards, along with 2,000 cards created in Uganda early 2010, to students in schools across India. While in India, Create Peace Project will work in approximately 25 schools, including nearly 10,000 students in this cross-cultural exchange.  While in India we will partner with Pratham ( one of the largest education organizations in the world, as well as other organizations, in our efforts to including as diverse a cross section of the India religious, socio-economic, and cultural traditions as possible. Peace Exchange workshops are 3hrs long and can be offered to groups of 100 – 300 students. During workshops students will discuss their vision and understanding of what it means to create peace in our lives, participate in peace practices, enjoy games and group building activities, and then spend time creating art and writing messages in response to the peace cards they have received.