One week into my stay in East Africa and I am pleased to report that all is going wonderfully.
I’ve had the softest landing into Africa that one could possibly have. Much thanks to Lynn for all the wonderful connections. She’s helped to make this the easiest transition and arrival into a foreign land as one could imagine.
This morning I got dropped off at the ATM and choose to take the long walk home. It was about 5 miles, I’d estimate. A nice time to really observe the life and culture of this place, the haps of the streets, to soak it in, to feel the multitude of eyes and stares, the shouts of “mazungu” (white person) from people of all sizes, the friendly ‘hellos’, the looks of ‘what is that tall white man doing walking the street’, and the countless offers of rides from the boda-boda drivers (Motorcycle Cabbies) to take you where ever you are going.
Here’s my week one highlight reel:
On our first walk down to the lake (Lake Victoria is about a 5 minute stroll from our front door) and on our return, a man on the road asks me if I wanted a monkey. Lynn quickly notes that she has never been asked such a thing in the 10 years she’s been come to this region.
On Thursday night we went out for a Bob Marley 65th Birthday Concert. A great night to be out and get a feel for the local scene. Lots of ex-pats was both comforting and a bit shocking. So many white folks in this area, many who have been living and working here for many years. The concert was cool. The main band Blood Brothers were solid and then with a continuous shuffle of artists and musicians, the stage became a revolving door of new and improved sounds….up the tempo, increase the beat, and the funk flowed. We danced and mingled befoer exhaustion set in.
The other day I got my cell phone. 60,000 shillings….plus 20,000 for minutes. Pretty cool to have a local phone while I am here. Give a shout – (256) 07 8515 5645 (use skype)
Currency Exchange: approx. 2,000 Ugandan Shillings = $1
Found my printer for printing postcards. And today is the day to make that happen. In Uganda, everything is done with CASH.
And our driver Bacali. Say hello to our good Friend…..selecting a papaya for Lynn.
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