We’ve all heard the importance of being present; being in the moment, aware of your self and your surroundings, present and attentive to this now, this place, without thought of the past, nor need to predict the future. But no matter how many times we here this simple philosophy, the practice takes focus, discipline, and attention to execute.
Have you ever thought on: why is it so important to simply BE, (not do, all the time)? I’ll leave that question for you to consider.
Consider: Simply being here. Being present is not an easy thing to do. The practice takes mind power: an inner strength and discipline. In other words, mind control: a.k.a. mindfulness. A quality taught by the Buddha and sought by millions of practitioners around the world, every day. Questions are: Who taught us this hurry up life style? Who told us that we needed to participate in this race for wealth and fame? How did we end up in this place where the pace of life is not conducive to the health of our heart, body, mind? This is the paradox of our times. Who introduced this w
ay of life in which you’re not allow to feel ok if you slow down to simply relax into the moment and simply do nothing?
But can you simply: Be with that. Doing nothing. Seriously, how often do you give yourself permission to simply “do no thing?” Breathe into it. Right now. Breathe into this moment. Engage the eyes. Open the ears. Feel into yourself and your surroundings. Look and listen and be attentive to this present moment. Experience your self here. Now. Right now. How does that feel? And so I do. Sitting here in Leh. Feeling that deep so-called Western mindset of ‘I should be doing something. What am I going to do, accomplish, achieve today.’ It’s quite an intimidating voice that I, and if I may speak for you, WE, often face.
This morning, while sitting at the breakfast table, looking out across the Himalayan range stretching before my eyes, I am reminded of this beautiful practice. Sipping tea, I am going to simply be. Here. Now. In this magical moment and give thanks for the opportunity to share this with you. Majestic snow covered range in the distance. Crystal clear blue skies expand eyes as the glorious sun warms my body. Dry and dusty fields awaiting a spring planting in the foreground. Paths lined with rocks weave in and around. As a few souls walk beneath barren poplar trees on their way to and from home. I am being with the rocks, the mountains, the ever-changing stationary now sounds of the permanent fixtures of this place.
Too often the moment escapes us. In some way, the moment is even escaping me as I write this. I am here, typing, thinking about the words I shall use to convey this present moment experience to you: some unknown recipient of my musings, somewhere off in the future…that I know. But being present to this fact, brings me back and I smile knowing these words are just about finished and I can save this file and return to my tea, the view, the glorious sun shining down, and simply breathe into this moment, knowing there is nothing I must do on this beautiful Sunday in Leh except BE, with me. (control S = Save)

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