The students were very well behaved, very friendly, and pleasantly communicative….something I rarely find. Often, there is a pervading shyness….and a real hesitation to talk with the strange teacher in the room…..but today was a bit different and the students were much more forward and talkative with me, which I appreciate.

The hilarious part of this day was my Vado HD video camera was out of battery and my camera ran out of battery in the first half hour. So I pulled out my mac and opened photo booth and the kids got a total kick out of seeing themselves on the screen and having their photos captured right before their eyes.
For a little more than 2 hrs, I facilitated a Peace Pals wrokshop with about 100 P4, P5, and P6 students in an age range of 8 – 16 year olds. The kids were great. They were attentive and eager to share, more so than I had experienced in previous schools.
In each workshop I lead, I ask the students what peace means to them. In this workshop, I got many familiar answers such as “peace is love” and “peace is freedom” But there were a few spoken with confidence and embodied understanding that felt solid and different from other students. A young girl raised her hand and replied “Peace is loving your family.” Another young boy stood up and said “peace is being kind and friendly to everyone.”

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